When you have an e-commerce site, you’re trying to maximize your sales. To increase your revenue, it’s important to optimize your conversion funnel. A conversion funnel corresponds to the pathway travelled by an internet user to arrive at the shopping cart and then order their products.
This very specific analysis of the traffic of the users of your e-commerce site is essential for optimizing your conversion rate and increasing your revenue for equivalent traffic.
This crucial aspect of online sales has been the subject of many studies and analyses. Today, there are a number of important points for improving on your current results.
The steps to take to optimize your conversion funnel
Here is a list of essential points for improving your conversion funnel with regard to online sales:
- Measure your conversion rate at each stage of your conversion funnel. By setting up tools to analyze the traffic on your website, such as Google Analytics, you’ll start to get a good idea of the path taken by internet users on your online sales site.
- Reduce the loading time of your website. This point has become an important element in terms of search engine optimization, and it improves the user experience on your site. There are many technical aspects of reducing the loading time of your pages; start by measuring the current state of your site with well-known tools such as GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed.
- Simplify your purchase tunnel. A customer should be able to order on your site in just a few steps. Simplify the task for them and your sales will increase. For example, you can offer them the ability to order without having to create a customer account. Don’t request their name and email address to order on your e-commerce site to reduce the amount of information to be communicated and invite them to continue.
- Work on the positioning of your elements. By optimizing each element of your site, you’ll be able to optimize the effectiveness of each of your pages and thus your overall conversion tunnel. It’s especially important to optimize the “call to action” buttons, such as the “add to cart” and “order” buttons. Simply changing these two buttons can let you quickly multiply your sales.
- Set up A/B testing. The methodology behind A/B testing involves displaying two different versions of the same page and analyzing the results achieved by each of the two versions. These full-scale tests let you determine the most effective versions of each of your pages. But be careful; while this process is extremely useful and important for validating the changes to be applied to your conversion pages, we recommend that you only test one different element at a time. Indeed, if you change too many elements between your versions, it will be difficult for you to know what was beneficial and if your version is the most optimized to date.
- One example of A/B testing would be to compare conversion rates between blue and red “add to cart” buttons.
- Reassure your potential customers. Like any act of purchasing, the potential customer is afraid of making a mistake. Your role is, therefore, to continually reassure your customer and get them to place these orders in peace of mind. To do this, there are many methods to implement, such as:
- Professional and reassuring graphic design
- A complete and detailed explanation of the ordering process
- The different delivery methods
- The guarantees associated with the products
- The after-sales support
- The return policy offered
- The security of the financial transactions,
- Add customer reviews. Today, we put more trust in other customers who have purchased the product on an online sales site, which has less credibility than the review given on a product. Indeed, customer reviews present the positive points as well as the negative points, so your visitor can form their opinion on their potential order with more objectivity. You shouldn’t be afraid of negative reviews; they let you improve on the points raised by your customers and thus continue to offer the best possible service to your audience. You can, therefore, continue to improve your conversion rate and your customer satisfaction rate.
- Highlight your sales promotions. By clearly advertising your promotions, services, or limited-time offers, you’ll facilitate the buying impulse in your visitors.
- Improve the quality of your product sheets. If you have a very large product catalog, start with your best sellers. The primary interest of these pages is to provide information about the product, attract the customer, and reassure them to help them order.
- Restart your abandoned carts. This little-used technique lets you easily convert a large number of customers who didn’t reach the end of their order. It’s a simple and effective way to improve your conversion rate.
What is the appeal of a conversion funnel for your sales figures?
We’ve seen that there are many ways to optimize your purchase tunnel, but what does this have to do with increasing your turnover?
Traffic is essential for ensuring a sales volume that corresponds to the objectives you’ve set in terms of sales. But if you want to double your sales, for example, you have the option of doubling your audience or doubling your conversion rate.
Let’s imagine that your shop receives 100,000 visitors per month and has a 0.5% conversion rate, which lets you generate around 500 orders per month.
If your goal is to reach 1000 orders per month, you have two possibilities:
- Reach an audience of 200,000 visitors per month.
- Double your conversion rate to 1%.
Increasing the number of visits to your site is no easy task, and can take time or a great deal of money if you’re relying on advertising. However, if you work on your conversion rate and your purchase tunnel, you can quickly achieve significant improvements for a reduced cost that’s more sustainable over time.
Let’s imagine that you’ve achieved a 1% conversion rate by improving your funnel and that, simultaneously, you’ve succeeded in increasing your traffic to 120,000 monthly visitors, thereby generating 1200 orders per month. Without an increase in the conversion of your purchasing cycle, with these 120,000 visitors, you would only have generated 600 orders instead of 1200!
You can, therefore, see the essential interest in starting work today on your conversion funnel for your e-commerce website.